
Dieting is challenging…except for the experts, it seems.  Where do these people come from, Mars?  Most of us love food…good, delicious, glorious food.  I grew tired of the experts tossing around fitness and nutrition tips because it seemed so easy for them.  They do this for a living; working out is easy when you’re at a gym 8+ hours per day.  What about us?

Unlike many of these experts I have a full time job outside of the gym and a hectic lifestyle that makes nutrition tricky.  Fitness and dieting is a true passion of mine and I am in pursuit of a sustainable training career.  Until then I am struggling with everyone else to make time for workouts and healthy meals.  My blog came along to follow my own struggles and triumphs while offering tips and education.  The first place we must begin in changing ourselves is our brain.  We need the knowledge and education to lead our decisions.  Although I have been nose-deep in this industry for nearly 15 years I am always learning something new. Now it’s time to share with you what I know and what I learn along the way.


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